Many Hostile Factions can potentially attempt to chop up your animals for food. There aren't animal specific beds, however a humanoid player character can pick up an animal and place it in a bed manually. Players do not need to be allied with the Crab Raiders in order to purchase crabs from them.Īnimal player characters cannot lose limbs. The Crab Raiders sell Crabs in both of their towns. The Holy Farm Leader will sell players Bonedogs and Domesticated Bulls. The Holy Nation has Holy Farms which players can purchase animals from. In Settled Nomad Village, Cornelius can be purchased from Goat Man. The Nomads also have Goat Herders, who exclusively sell goats. These merchants sell Goats, Pack Beasts, Bonedogs, Pack Bulls, and Wild Bulls. They can also potentially spawn Merchant Nomads in many zones. The nomads can consistently be found in their two towns, Settled Nomads and Settled Nomad Village. The primary faction to purchase animals from is the Nomads. If players have animals in their squad and everyone gets KO'ed in battle, there's a high chance that bandits will butcher the animals for meat. Goats can't use Armor Smith, even if highly proficient). You can buy these and play them like regular characters! While they are rated in every skill-just like typical humanoid characters-they can't actually use very many (eg. Mega Animals can be found in a single set location. Mega Animals are rare versions of regular animals and comparatively have very high stats, especially body part health. In these areas, Robots take the place of wildlife. Many regions of Kenshi are heavily damaged environmentally. Some characters have dialogue when this interaction happens. However, if the player continues moving near them, the herd may attack. If this happens and the player stops moving (disable jobs and press R) and remains still, the Garru will remain peaceful. Wild Garru may growl when the player moves nearby. Similar to territorial animals, but they do not have a fixed territory or nest. These animals are normally neutral but can be provoked without attacking them. These animals will primarily roam in groups and will not initiate combat with characters on sight. Often these animal Base Assaults can be prevented by clearing out nearby Nests before they seek out an outpost's farms. These animals may choose to eat growing crops at a player outpost, which triggers the player characters to fight them. These animals are either patrolling an area or are nesting animals which will become hostile if characters enter their territory. Of the list below, the only animals that will actively seek out corpses are Bonedogs, Boneyard Wolves, River Raptors, and Swamp Raptors. All other scavengers have an innate desire to eat them. One bizarre exception is that Skimmers will only eat corpses if they spawn in a nest. These animals will eat dead bodies, but not living ones. They can't follow the scent of blood over a significant distance.
#Kenshi unwalkable terrian skin
Blood Spiders and Skin Spiders will only eat victims they fought or whose bodies they happen upon accidentally. This means they can follow the scent of blood to the location of a fight, ongoing or finished. Importantly, Beak Things are the only carnivorous animal with a sense of smell. Characters may be awakened from unconsciousness in a desperate attempt to save their lives, but often characters remain unconscious throughout being eaten alive. These animals will eat unconscious characters.